Different Perspectives on Gun Laws

What is your perspective on gun laws?
(Jose Gonzalez/Lincoln Lion Tales)

What is your perspective on gun laws? (Jose Gonzalez/Lincoln Lion Tales)

Guns are very powerful weapons. They have the power to take someones life in a matter of seconds. Although they are used in different ways, in reality, its purpose is either to defend and protect or to threaten and kill. As you know, the most heard of cases with guns end up resulting in deaths of many innocent people. Even though this is a huge problem, creating stricter gun laws will only make it harder for people to get guns but not impossible.

 On February 14, 2018 Stoneman Douglas High school suffered a great loss of seventeen students. The gunman was nineteen years old. Many of those victims had  family members and best friends who are now debating on gun control laws. A survivor from Stoneman Douglas High who was mistaken as the shooter mentioned during a speech  “What we must do now is enact change because that is what we do to things that fail: We change them.” The year has barely started and there has already been 12 school shootings. This is important because in a year 114, 994 people in the U.S. die due to the cause of a firearm, and we need to change that. 55 million Americans own guns, they are able to exercise their own right on the 2nd Amendment, which is a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Ruth Igielnik and Anna Brown say in their article, “Roughly three-quarters of gun owners (74%) say this right is essential, compared with 35% of non-gun owners.” American citizens take multiple polls a year on gun laws due to tragedies that occur every year in the United States. In a poll taken by Steven Shepard, a writer for POLITICO, he says, ¨Roughly 2 in 3 Americans now say gun control laws should be made more strict in the wake of the murder of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School…¨  This is important because Americans are voting in tolls on how better gun laws can make a difference in everyone’s safety.

In conclusion, gun laws need to improve to secure the safety of our men, women, and children stretched all across America. Once the gun laws become more strict, and start to show promise, America will be and feel much more secure and will have no need to worry about protection.


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