Bilingual Student Newspaper of Abraham Lincoln High School, San Jose California.

Lion Tales

Bilingual Student Newspaper of Abraham Lincoln High School, San Jose California.

Lion Tales

Bilingual Student Newspaper of Abraham Lincoln High School, San Jose California.

Lion Tales

Oren Ciolli

Oren Ciolli, Traductor, Escritor

Oren Ciolli was born In San Jose, California in 2001. He has lived his entire life here in San Jose, and he currently is a senior at Lincoln High School. He is an only child, and is the son of an Italian-American father and an Argentine-Aruban mother who have passed on their unique culture. In his spare time he likes to play soccer, spend time with friends, listen to music, drive, and write, but above all his favorite activity is playing basketball. Oren has been playing basketball since middle school, and spends a large amount of his time playing or watching the sport. His favorite subjects in school are English and Spanish, because of his love for writing, reading and studying the complexities of language. In the future, Oren plans to go to college and study business, and eventually go on to be an entrepreneur.


Oren Ciolli nació en 2001 en San José, California. Él ha vivido su vida entera aquí en San José, y hoy en día es estudiante del grado 12 en Lincoln High School. Es el único hijo de un padre Italiano-Americano y una madre Argentina-Arubana.  Él ha recibido su cultura distinta de ellos. En su tiempo libre, a el le gusta jugar al futbol, pasar tiempo con amigos, escuchar a la música, manejar, y escribir, pero más que nada a él le gusta jugar al básquetbol. Oren ha jugado al básquetbol desde sus años en la secundaria, y hoy en dia pasa un gran porción de su tiempo jugando o mirando el deporte. Sus clases favoritas en la escuela son ingles y espanol, por su amor de escribir y leer, y porque a él le encanta estudiar las complejidades de los idiomas. En el futuro, planea en asistir a la universidad para estudiar los negocios, y eventualmente volverse emprendedor.


All content by Oren Ciolli