Senior Dedication Spaces


Senior baby picture from 2014 yearbook.

Attention seniors!

Yearbook senior dedication spaces are now available. Putting in a picture will add a moment that you will have for you last high school year. It will be a great opportunity for the seniors to remember their last high school yearbook and the memories they have throughout their senior year. But don’t wait long because the spots are filling up quick.

Ordering a “baby dedication” is so fast and easy. Remember to get it quick because the deadline to order is February 12, 2016. Please be sure to include any milestones or accomplishment you have obtained. It can include the years in sports, band, drama and community service. You might also want to pair up with one of your closest friends so that you can share that memory for future years to come in a buddy ad.

If you are going to send in a picture please do not use use a picture taken by your phone. Having a dedication will bring back old memories that you will remember throughout your high school years.