Calles en Fuego: VivaCalleSJ 2016 Recap


(Daniel Perez Cabrera / Lincoln Lion Tales)

After a very hot Sunday, September 18, Viva CallesSJ was a very fun event. Many people showed up to enjoy the beautiful day and it was a well organized event with a very safe environment for everyone including kids.

One of the  most interesting things that a lot of people noticed is that there were a lot of crazy looking bicycles designs that were shocking, there were all kinds of music playing on the streets to have a different perspective of riding bicycles also, there were a lot of activities on the sides of the streets for everyone to join and participate, such as painting and dancing.

Viva CalleSJ joined a lot of people together and hopefully every year should be present in San Jose, at the end of the day everyone who went had a smile on their faces.