Local Rock Show is a Success – The Phorms, Cactus, The Noble Firs, The Autonomics
“And all you kids from Abraham Lincoln High School, you are just a ton of fun to see in our place and the reason I keep the Art Boutiki an all ages venue.” – SLG Art Boutiki & Gallery

On Saturday, February 1st, the SLG Art Boutiki & Gallery held a Rock show featuring local San Jose bands, The Phorms and Cactus. They were joined by two other bands from Portland, Oregon; The Noble Firs and The Autonomics.
Saturday’s show was a success. The Boutiki was packed, the bands had stellar sets, Portland bands made great revenues on their merchandise and everyone was in a content and excited mood.
The opening band was Cactus, followed by the Noble Firs, with the Autonomics and The Phorms finishing the show.
The Noble Firs are a four piece band that have a hint of 60’s surf and Psychedelic roots, yet have their modern approach of fusing together Indie and Alternative elements into one. Stellar bass lines accompany their vocals, guitar and the rhythms of the drums. It is music that really gets you going through the day, with its happy, bright, simple and memorable melodies.
The band features Jeremiah Brunnhoelzl playing rhythm guitar and vocals, Derrin Brice playing lead guitar, Max Dudley playing bass, and Nic Kohagen on Drums.
They have recently released their album Rockoon, which can be heard and downloaded for free on their Bandcamp page.
The Autonomics are a Garage Punk style band straight out of Portland, featuring Dan Pantenburg on lead guitar, Vaughn Leikam on bass, and Evan Leikam on Drums.
Their music has a slight touch of The Silversun Pickups with more of a raw Garage Punk sound to it, yet it is very danceable and fun to listen to. Very accessible to the average audience that enjoys all kinds of music.
Their website is TheAutonomics.com, and you can find more info about them and buy their album Trust Your Instincts off of iTunes for $10. It is worth every penny to see these Portland bands live.
The Phorms are a local, San Jose band who have captured the 60’s Psychedelia and and Indie pop sound. The band features James Neal on rhythm guitar and vocals, Dylan Bullard on lead guitar, and Saam and Sina Akbarkhanzadeh on drums and bass, twin Persian brothers who have a deep interest in Rock Music and Jazz, solid foundation in rhythm and R&B inspired bass grooves that get you moving.
Psychedelic inspired guitar was led by Bullard with his sweeping effects that give the distinct sound of The Phorms. And James Neal brought folk-inspired vocals that unfolded a story onto the audience. Their music is very reminiscent of Spaghetti Westerns like of Ennio Morricone from the twang of Bullard’s Telecaster, fused with Psychedelia and Folk. Very enjoyable music and definitely worth it to see live.
As of now, The Phorms have an album out called Trapped by the Sun, which is available and purchasable on Bandcamp and iTunes.
Overall, the show was a big success. The Boutiki made ticket sales, the venue was filled with smiles and amazement, no one was harmed during the show, and all the bands put on a good show for San Jose residents.
The Boutiki even gave a thanks to Lincoln High School, saying, “And all you kids from Abraham Lincoln High School, you are just a ton of fun to see in our place and the reason I keep the Art Boutiki an all ages venue.”
So if you happen to see a Boutiki flyer posted on the school walls or join their Facebook page, go to their next show. Each show is filled with talented people coming from all over the world to play for us small town folks. It is worth the $10, and it supports the San Jose music scene that could be further recognized by young readers like you.

Born and raised in the Golden State. Currently a Senior at Lincoln High School. Occasionally seen wearing a green golfer hat or sometimes a red hunting...