Cracking Down On Vaping: New Rules And Policies For 2019!


On January 9th, 2019, Lincoln held an assembly in the Main Gym where Mr. Hewitson, Ms. Mendoza, Mr. Mora, and Mrs. Hansen talking about important dates specifically for Seniors, as well as explaining to all students new rules and policies the school will be making. 

Principal Hewitson starting the assembly presentation in front of all the Seniors in the Main Gym. The assembly took place on January 9th, 2019. (Ernesto Garcia/Lincoln Lion Tales)

The counselors told Seniors these important dates: Financial Aid Family Night (On January 31st), CASH for College Workshop (On February 7th), FAFSA/Dream ACT (Due March 2nd), and Community College Enrollment (Begins in the Spring). They also reminded Seniors that this is their final semester before graduation, and that no student will be able to make up a failed class. Students also need to complete any certificates that they have not received, as well as credit recovery, and finish their community hours by May 1st.

After talking about college/graduation related stuff, Mrs. Hansen took the mic and told students new school policies. For example, receiving 5 tardies, as well as being locked out of class during random lockouts, will result in Saturday school.

Students will also need to receive teacher permission before charging their phone due to the increasing problem of students vaping in class.

Seniors are gathered in the gym for the assembly. Most students are being attentive to what’s being said by the speakers. (Ernesto Garcia/Lincoln Lion Tales

The school also installed vape detectors in the bathrooms to prevent students from taking long breaks. Students caught with any sort of substance will be given extra support and rehab through staff.

Another issue this school has is students do not pick up their trash after lunch or after events. If a student is caught leaving their trash or littering, they will have to spend their entire lunch going around campus picking up trash. Besides trash, scooters are also littered around campus and are a safety hazard.

Any student caught riding a scooter on campus will receive a warning, and any repeated offenses will be given suspensions.