Señor Luz Returned From His Vacation In Spain!


Señor Luz dressed up as music artist Pitbull for school rally!

After a year of relaxation in Spain, Señor Luz returned to teaching for this 2019-2020 school year. Lion Tales asked him the reasoning behind his year long vacation and he responded with “I was burned out from 18 years of teaching and needed to recharge for another 18 years”. 

Señor Luz and his family stayed in Valencia but also traveled to different countries for days at a time in between. He mentioned that his son loved Spain and he went to school there and learned an extensive amount of Spanish. 

We asked him about the lifestyle change and he described it as “laid-back”, unlike the Bay Area. 

Out of all the countries Señor Luz had visited, he would still say Spain was his favorite and would choose to live there permanently if given the option. 

Due to all of the free time Señor Luz and his family had, his wife developed a traveling business that she didn’t have the time to complete before. 

He spent his time at the beach and with his family as well as exploring different countries. Luz ate “Donner Kebabs” while he was away and said they were “delicious”. 

While he was away he “often thought about [his] colleagues and wondered what they were doing while [he] was away.” He was downcasted to leave Spain but eager to come back and share his experiences with his students. 

His least favorite thing about Spain was the business hours. Most stores were closed between 1:00-3:30pm then opened again for a couple hours then closed from 5:00-6:00 pm. 

Señor Luz is ready for another jam packed year of teaching and helping students! Visit him in portable 810 this year!