Bad Spelin Grammur at this Schul

This schul is full a bad riters. I tell ya, th first time I layed eys on this schul I thought to myself: Myself, this schul’s gonna hav bad grammur. Gosh boy was I rite. This schul has such bad grammur I saw somone spel grammur “grammar” wich we all no is bad. this schul is so bad at grammur and spelin that no won heer can hold his own too me.and I bet that no won will pas there sofomor yeer. It’s students r so bad at formatin a gud story and they dont use facs and they rite borin storees and thay put and 2 much and it’s like they dont care. @ this r8 no wons gonna b abl 2 rite rite in r society.

Generic Chair was born January 32nd 1926. Son to Overly and Not-So-Generic, Chair was the fifth in a long line of house furniture. However, he suffered...