ASB Election Revotes to Hold Revote for Uncontested Candidates
In light of the newest developments of the ASB and class council elections, uncontested candidates will also take part in the re-vote. The decision was made based off of popular demand by uncontested candidates that decided they wanted to make sure that not a single vote for them was missed, and that they could, in fact, brag about winning to their friends again.
In light of the decision, we asked some candidates what they thought. “It’ll help us inflate our egos,” said one candidate. “I need to brag as much as I can before I actually have to be humble and start working for the students,” said another.
The process for re-voting well be as follows: The voters must write a ten page essay on how amazing the uncontested candidates are, then continue on to kneel at the candidates feet and beg them to look down upon the voter, they will then continue on to vote on a ballot containing inspirational pictures of each candidate. After voting, they shall again grovel at the candidates feet, and then pay the noble price of $50 to have been given the honor of voting for each candidate.

Generic Chair was born January 32nd 1926. Son to Overly and Not-So-Generic, Chair was the fifth in a long line of house furniture. However, he suffered...